Published Books :

Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis is a group of eight stories for Primary Education and the first and second grade of Secondary Education.
The topics are very varied. They deal with the experience of travelling to Australia, Norway, and Africa, the investigation process of the doctor Santiago Ramón y Cajal, and the migration of birds and wildebeests.The reader can also learn about the important role we, as citizens, play to improve our society.
All the subjects are broad, and they act as a meaningful tool for the young learner. Many students will be able to discover abilities and emotions that they have not discovered.
This book provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

It is a book of three stories containing basic structures to foster reading comprehension.
This collection fosters English reading and writing at the same time. The reader acquires interdisciplinary knowledge.
Pranks teaches the parts of the body, parts of a plant, parts of a house, and the animals. Children learn these concepts by means of simple and reiterative structures.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL ( Content and Language Integrated Learning).

My Wooden Bird
My Wooden Bird is a story about Mr. Juan de la Cierva y Codorníu, the Autogyro inventor. Mr. Cierva is one of the fathers of the Spanish aviation.
The main topics found in this book are:
-Engineering for Flying.
-Tourist Resources of London.
- Vehicles of Transport.
The main aims of this story are:
- To provoke young readers to go into investigation.
-To introduce the engineer Mr. Juan de la Cierva´s childhood and his dream, the Autogyro.
- To be familiar with the vocabulary of an autogyro as a way of transport.
- To forter reading comprehension and encourage children to be active citizens in the world.
Some of the young readers can identify themselves with Mr. Cierva´s vocation.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Helen´s Three Senses
Helen´s Three Senses is a story about Helen keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan. This story deals with blindness, deafness and dumbness in order to teach the young reader to recognize the five senses ( taste, touch, hearing, smelling and sight).
The main topics are:
-The five human senses.
-Learning without some senses.
Some of the young readers can identify themselves with Helen keller´s life and her way of learning. This story can help children be sensitive to disabled people. The main aim is to introduce Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan to the young reader and identify the five senses.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Acrobats Everywhere
Acrobats Everywhere is a story for young readers to foster reading comprenhension.
The main topics are:
-Nationalities and food .
-Animals and Entertainment.
All the subjects act as a meaningful tool for kids. The way the story is told makes the children laugh at the time they are learning.
The young learner is able to recognize grammar and vocabulary by means of repetitions.
This story shows some countries, different animals and some funny places to play.
The main aim is to reinforce and extend sentence structures.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).
The Multitasking Couch Potato
The Multitasking Couch Potato (El Holgazán Polifacético) is a funny story related to hooponopono (an easy and profound practice to promote wellbeing which consists of repeating four phrases: I´m sorry, forgive me, thank you and I love you). It deals with feelings and emotions. Everybody will be able to live a better and happier life after this reading.
This story teaches us how to face daily difficulties in life and how to avoid wrong feelings that make our body parts feel bad.
The readers will learn how empathy helps people understand other people´s feelings, even when they haven´t shared their experiences.

Day and Night School Time
Day and Night School Time is a funny story about a teacher, Mr. Kong, and his experience at school at night time.
The main topics are the different parts of a school and its facilities. It also deals with the time and frequency adverbs to express routines.
The main goal is to make young readers be familiar with the parts of a school, the time, frequency adverbs and nocturnal animals.
Another goal is to teach how to tell routines and experiences taking into account timing.
This is a story designed to foster reading comprehension and the right pronunciation through the listening and singing activity.
All the subjects are broad and act as a meaningful tool for the young learner.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

It´s Raining Reindeers and Polar Bears
It´s Raining Reindeers and Polar Bears is a zany story that celebrates weather changes by means of a boy and his parents' imagination and fantasy. It is a tribute to the recycling activity.
The main topics are Mother Earth reactions to pollution, how avoid pollution, different jobs and ways of recycling.
The main goal is to make children be sensible of a healthy environment and a proper way of life.
The subjects are broad and they act as a meaningful tool for the young learner.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL ( Content and Language Integrated Learning).

What a Nightmare!
What a Nightmare! is a defiant and shocking story about Billy. A naughty boy who likes playing pranks and acting incorrectly.
The main topics are good and bad behaviour and taking the consequences of bad behaviour.
The main goal is to teach the young reader that bad behaviour has some consequences.
This story makes children think before acting.
The reading of What a Nightmare teaches the use of the past tense to tell stories; the imperative form of the verb to command one´s temper; and the future tense using the periphrasis "to be going to".
Young readers will improve reading comprehension and listening abilities through the listening and singing activities.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

An after Lunch Earthquake
An After Lunch Earthquake is a story that mixes fantasy and reality. This story is about a real fact that happened in the Southeast of Spain in 2011.
It tells an earthquake from a childish point of view. Some feelings and reactions make this story an example in sympathy with the affected people.
The main topics are:
An earthquake and its consequences.
How a peaceful life can turn into a horrible situation through natural reactions.
The power of natural forces and its influence on human beings.
Different jobs involved in reconstructions.
The main goal is to make children be sensible of natural resources. Children will learn to take care of Mother Earth.
Young readers will learn how to recycle and the importance every job has for our society.
From the grammar point of view, the readers can practise the different tenses of the verbs such as present simple, modal verb “must” and future tense.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Wind beneath Beethoven´s Wings
Wind beneath Bethoven´s Wings is a story about Ludwig van Beethoven. It deals with his childhood, education, family, friends, travelling and one of his favourites topics, that is, Nature and Music.
It is a tribute to his 6th symphony, " The Pastoral".
Children will learn what a symphony is, as well as some musical instruments.
This story underlines the most important musical instrument, that is, Nature. Birds, water, wind, animals, storm, thunders, lightnings are related to the variety of musical instruments.
Young readers can enjoy the reading, listening and singing of this story and the song The Zoo Orchestra Song.
This story fosters English reading, listening and writing at the same time. Then, the reader adquires interdisciplinary knowledge.
Wind beneath Beethoven´s Wings provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

My Metal Fish
My Metal Fish is a story about little Issac Peral and his Submarine.
When the young reader reads this story, he will learn about the Sinking and Floating Theory.
The main topics are:
-Floating and Sinking Things.
-Travelling under the water, the Submarine.
-Sea Animals.
The main aims are:
To introduce Isaac Peral to the young readers.
To be familiar with the Sinking and Floating Theory.
To recognize sea animals.
To foster reading comprenhension.
To provoke kids to go into investigation.
Some of the young readers can identify themselves with Isaac Peral´s childhood and vocation.
This story provides coursework for the methodology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Stop the Car, Mum! Hit the Brakes, Tony!
This is an interesting story where young readers can learn to read through the enthusiasm about cars. It deals with Tony, a boy who is fond of cars, their colours, names, symbols, size, and design. He can´t help the temptation of naming cars when he sees them. He learns about how to read and speak by saying the name of some cars.
Kids, from six- seven years, can identify themselves with Tony and his ways of having fun.
Children can learn a great variety of English vocabulary and grammar such as the days of the week, seasons, family members, vehicles and toys, cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, adjectives ( little, fat, big, small, clever), meals ( breakfast, lunch, dinner), how to use the verb can, verb to have got, present continuous and present simple, verb to be, interrogative pronouns (What…?, Why..?), exclamation What..!, the alphabet ( letter “W” for Volkswagen; letter “H“ for Hyundai; “Z” for Opel; “S” for seat; “N” for Nissan), shapes ( star for Mercedes, circle for Audi, Rhombus for Renault), car sizes and designs, the weather ( it´s sunny, it´s cloudy), prepositions (against, down, with, at, to, from, on, back), kitchen tools ( plates, knives, spoons, forks, glasses, cups), animals ( horse, gazelle), colours ( red, white, black, silvery, green, brown), demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those).

Walter and Dino´s Treasure
This is an amazing story where kids can learn about the life of some dinosaurs through the adventures of Walter and his brother, John.
Young readers can enjoy at the same time as they learn English vocabulary and grammar such as different types of dinosaurs ( Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Oviraptor, Brachiosaurus, Velociraptor, Gallimimus, Stegosaurus, Protoceratops, Compsognathus, Ankylosaurus); Classification ( reptiles, mammals, insects, fish, birds); Food (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore); Size ( small, medium, large); Movement ( air, sea, land); Parts of the house ( kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, utility room, garage, garden); Ordinal numbers ( first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth); Parts of the body ( beak, legs, fingers, arms, spur, head, body, hand, tail); Feelings ( thoughtful, weak, shy, satisfied, strong, concentrated, sleepy, happy, tired, dizzy); Family members ( grandfather, granny, dad, mum, brother, baby, sister); Verb can + ability: I can fly/ walk/ swim/ jump.
Children, from seven years old, can learn a great variety of knowledge and experiences. Readers can feel themselves part of this story identifying with the main characters.

Daniel Draws a Beetle
This is a funny story which helps young readers investigate about nature and more especially about insects.
The reader can take part of this trekking adventure and learn about the body part of an insect, the different insect habitats and way of life.
Children, from eight years old, can learn a great variety of English vocabulary and grammar such as colours, shapes, prepositions, insect body parts, jobs, feelings, and family members.
As far as grammar is concerned, it is dealt with the verb can, have got, verb to be, present simple, Imperative and interrogative pronouns, frequency adverbs, and comparatives.

Artists Scoring Goals
This is a very interesting and zany story. Fantasy and reality are linked by the main character, Margaret. She is a curious girl that introduces different topics such as the parts of a house, the parts of a plant, the parts of the body, and family members.
Margaret´s granny has a very important role in this story. She tells Margaret a strange story about the Apple Tree Woman. The relationship between Margaret and her granny introduces the most interesting and significant emotion in the whole story.
Children, from seven- eight years old, cannot avoid laughing at this story. They learn a lot and have a good time.
Margaret and the Apple Tree Woman
This is a very interesting and zany story. Fantasy and reality are linked by the main character, Margaret. She is a curious girl that introduces different topics such as the parts of a house, the parts of a plant, the parts of the body, and family members.
Margaret´s granny has a very important role in this story. She tells Margaret a strange story about the Apple Tree Woman. The relationship between Margaret and her granny introduces the most interesting and significant emotion in the whole story.
Children, from seven- eight years old, cannot avoid laughing at this story. They learn a lot and have a good time.

A Strawberry Milkshake, please!
This is a lovely story about Richard and little David. It is a tribute to the important role grandparents provide to the education of their grandchildren. Elderly people are the best teachers for young generations. They are full of knowledge and love. Sometimes, they pick their grandchildren up from school and then, they go for a walk and share lovely experiences.
Young readers can identify themselves with the relationship between Richard and his grandson, little David.
Kids, from seven- eight years old, can learn about the senses through the sea lion experience that little David and his granddad, Richard, have near the sea, the pier of Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland.
Children can learn a great variety of English vocabulary and grammar such as sea animals, hobbies, senses, food, family members, jobs, present simple, present continuous, verb can, frequency adverbs, verb love / like + gerund, place prepositions ( up, down, between, in, near, away, at, for), personal pronouns, and direct and indirect object pronouns.
This story shows the warmest feelings some children shares with their grandparents while their daddy and mummy are working out.

Liz Becomes a Dressmaker
This is a nice story that lets the youngest readers be familiar with the topic related to clothes.
The main character, Liz, introduces one of her favourite hobbies, that is, designing clothes for her dollies.
The young reader will learn about the way how cotton, as raw material, becomes fabric and clothes. They can also learn how different traditional clothes are from country to country. Every country has its own traditional clothes.
The children will be able to enjoy learning about the vocabulary related to get dressed up at carnival time. A lovely song and some activities are useful tools to practice the main grammar structures, pronunciation and vocabulary.
The reader can identify himself/ herself with Liz and her way of having fun.
Children from seven years old can enjoy with the reading of this story.

A Birthday Present for Mummy
This is an interesting story that shows the enthusiasm about works of art through a fantastic family´s eyes. None of the family members say his/ her name in this story, what means that any of them could be any of us. They play the role of those parents who love their children to learn everything through art and take their kids to museums to share a lovely experience with them.
Art teaches Math, Language, Natural and Social Sciences, Music, Divinity, History, Mythology, and so on.
Young readers can learn something about the mural painter, Diego Rivera. They will be able to practice the English usage of the present simple and present continuous tenses, interrogative pronouns such as where and who; the verb like and love with the gerund form; prepositions ( from, in, at, about, across, by, along); shapes (rectangle, circle, square); differences between to arrive in and to arrive at; descriptions; colours; numbers; orders.
Children will also learn about some new vocabulary in the activity section. They will be able to choose the best present for their mummy´s birthday in a list of possible options.
Kids, from six or seven years old, could enjoy this reading very much.

The Very Alive House
The tale deals with an amazing and amusing story told by the main character, Ben.
Ben is a very clever boy who tells about the different house typologies and the relationship between environment and people.
He also teaches us how to recycle and how to consider the different natural energy resources which the mother Earth provides us for a healthier way of life.
Young readers will be able to learn about different semantic fields such as the parts of a house; differences between country and city; plants and domestic animals; the importance of water for living things; food procedence; the environment; the recycling process and the family relations.
As far as grammar is concerned, children will practice the following structures: the verb “to be”; the verb “ to have”; the use of gerund with the verbs “ to like” and “to love”; the right use of the adjectives; the present simple form of the verbs; the impersonal use “ there is/ there are”; the frequency adverbs; the countable and uncountable nouns and the proper use of the place prepositions.
Children from 6 or 7 years old will enjoy reading and learning this fantastic story.

Forget- me -not
Forget- me -not is a didactic story which tries to make the young reader aware of the dangers of pollution and the Colony Collapse Disorder.
Children will learn about the variety of flowers, their parts, a bee´s life and the cycle of nature. They will be sensitive to the feelings of the main character of this story, Miss Buzzy.
A wide variety of vocabulary and grammar is throughout used.
Young readers will draw the conclusion that bees are the starting point of the cycle of nature.
Seven year old children will be able to enjoy this story very much.

Hustle and Bustle at Elisa's Birthday Party 1
Hustle and Bustle at Elisa´s Birthday Party is a delightful, entertaining and imaginary collection of short stories where children from three to ten years old can learn about a variety of semantic fields in English language.
The different topics dealt with are introduced by Elisa, the main character.
This book celebrates Elisa´s every birthday party from when she is three years old to eight years old.
Every year Elisa develops her mind and she discovers the pleasure of writing books.
The mystery of this collection is the empty book Elisa gets every birthday. That fact makes Elisa create her own stories.
Elisa feels the power of imagination and she dares to write and draw different contents in her little books. These are little stories inside the main book.
The reader can identify the emotion of getting and be attacted by Elisa´s drawing and writing hobby, as well as the topics and interests she has.
Elisa shows curiosity about farm animals, looking in some shop windows, playing with dolls and different toys, enjoying family ties and friends, cooking, and so on.
Practical grammatical structures and detailed vocabulary fields can enrich the children´s fluency and accurancy in the English language from very early childhood.
Hustle and Bustle at Elisa´s Birthday Party 1 focuses on body parts, toys, parts of a house, and family members.

Hustle and Bustle at Elisa's Birthday Party 2
Hustle and Bustle at Elisa´s Birthday Party is a delightful, entertaining and imaginary collection of short stories where children from three to ten years old can learn about a variety of semantic fields in English language.
The different topics dealt with are introduced by Elisa, the main character.
This book celebrates Elisa´s every birthday party from when she is three years old to eight years old.
Every year Elisa develops her mind and she discovers the pleasure of writing books.
The mystery of this collection is the empty book Elisa gets every birthday. That fact makes Elisa create her own stories.
Elisa feels the power of imagination and she dares to write and draw different contents in her little books. These are little stories inside the main book.
The reader can identify the emotion of getting and be attacted by Elisa´s drawing and writing hobby, as well as the topics and interests she has.
Elisa shows curiosity about farm animals, looking in some shop windows, playing with dolls and different toys, enjoying family ties and friends, cooking, and so on.
Practical grammatical structures and detailed vocabulary fields can enrich the children´s fluency and accurancy in the English language from very early childhood.
Hustle and Bustle at Elisa´s Birthday Party 2 focuses on food, shops, clothes and farm animals.

Loving Nellie
Nellie, Richard and Theresa's pet, symbolizes any animal and the tenderest feelings and emotions that pets have towards their owners. She is an extremely affectionate dog. She loves her owners way of being. They are very kind and they understand each other very well. Richard and Theresa consider Nellie as a member of their family. The close relationship between Nellie and her owners makes us aware of the importance of friendship and love towards others. Young readers will be able to learn about daily routines, feelings and emotions, healthy habits and friendliness.

Four brains under the sun
HOW WONDERFUL is spending summertime by the Spanish seaside from the childhood to adult ages, enjoying a good talk to some good friends in a relaxed tone and tasting some Spanish tapas from the chiringutos!
HOW EXCITING is making some sandcastles by the sea while our grandparents have a good time teaching us their youth experiences and their family ties!
HOW AMAZING is meeting the same summer friends every summer and sharing the best personnel life events while we sunbathe carefully!
HOW INTERESTING is learning social, cultural, gastronomical, monumental and historical backgrounds from different regions of the same country!
HOW GENEROUS is to deliver positive attitude, love and care towards everybody that we meet daily!
HOW INTELLIGENT is the person who doesn’t forget his/her origins and remember them pleasantly!
HOW CLEVER IS the reader of this book who loves acquiring new knowledge and likes sharing it with others!